TIDI Customer Service: +1 800.521.1314
Email: excellence@tidiproducts.com
570 Enterprise Drive
Neenah, WI 54956 USA
Phone: +1 920.751.4300
Toll-Free Fax: +1 800.837.7770
Fax: +1 920.751.4370
TIDI Customer Service: +1 800.521.1314
Email: excellence@tidiproducts.com
570 Enterprise Drive
Neenah, WI 54956 USA
Phone: +1 920.751.4300
Toll-Free Fax: +1 800.837.7770
Fax: +1 920.751.4370
Posey Heel Guards help protect against skin breakdown in the lower leg and/or foot. The high resilience foam heel offloading device also floats the heel and helps reduce the risk of foot drop.
Recommended Use: Patients at risk for foot injury, pressure injuries, or foot drop.
Posey Heel Guards help protect against skin breakdown in the lower leg and/or foot. The high resilience foam heel offloading device also floats the heel and helps reduce the risk of foot drop.
Recommended Use: Patients at risk for foot injury, pressure injuries, or foot drop.